Chiropractic care can help runners, plain and simple. For those who are regular runners and in overall good shape, it may seem odd to consider chiropractic care, but taking care of yourself when you’re healthy can be the best way to avoid future injuries. Gone are the days when chiropractic care was needed just for aches, injuries or pain. Many athletes are turning to chiropractic care on a regular basis to maintain optimal health and fitness.
If your body is perfectly and absolutely aligned, then you might be the most unique person on the planet. Almost no one has perfect alignment. Getting aligned and staying aligned allows your body to handle the hard pounding it takes when you run. The high impact of running can lead to long-term pain and injury if you continue to run without a properly aligned core.
Runners are particularly prone to posterior chain weakness or lower crossed syndrome, both of which require adjustments for long-term correction.
Preventive chiropractic care offers runners many advantages. Joints can’t flow through the full range of motion when misaligned and since runners rely heavily on their joints, preventive care can improve running experiences indefinitely.
Ways chiropractic care helps runners:
* Improved coordination
* Better reaction time
* Increased balance
* Heightened accuracy
* Amplified precision
* Stronger muscles
Chiropractors can perform a full evaluation on your current alignment, offer personalized adjustments and set you on a course of optimal athleticism. The running gear you choose (shoes, caps, tanks, socks, sunglasses, etc.) are meant for comfort and power – why not choose to comfort your body with regular visits to the chiropractor, too?