Chiropractic care is a holistic treatment in that the body as a whole is treated, rather than just isolated problems. Its main focus is on aligning the skeletal system so that ligaments, nerves, muscles, tendons and internal organs can operate optimally. By correcting spinal alignment, pain is able to be eased. The immune system also benefits greatly from this practice, as it is connected to the nervous system which in turn is responsible for performing all bodily functions.
A chiropractor is able to correct spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations. These subluxations interfere with the functioning of the nervous system by placing pressure on the nerves. If the nervous system is not functioning as it should, it results in the breakdown of the immune system. This can lead to the body becoming more susceptible to illness and viruses.
People who have regular chiropractic adjustments have up to a 200% stronger immune system than those who don`t. Children experience fewer bouts of flu and ear infection. Those suffering from prenatal discomfort, migraines or tension headaches, and back or neck pain can benefit greatly from chiropractic adjustment.
There are many more forms of chiropractic care than subluxation therapy. These include:
Preventative care therapy:
Manipulations, exercise and adjustments are done to prevent re-injury after recovering from a health complaint.
Maintenance care therapy:
This may involve regular adjustment and manipulative treatment to keep the patient healthy. It can be in the form of massages, specific exercises, weekly manipulations or complimentary herbal remedies.
Massage therapy:
Some chiropractors use this as a supplemental way to ease pain that may be aggravating skeletal alignment.
Home therapy:
This may involve having the patient do simple treatments at home after having chiropractic adjustment. These include, but are not limited to, specific exercises, the use of heating pads or ice packs and suggestions to improve sitting and standing postures that help eliminate further discomfort.
Intensive care therapy:
After the initial examination, this is the therapy used to address the problem at hand. It may involve questions regarding lifestyle habits, dietary habits, exercise habits and the suspected cause of the problem. Once these have been established, spinal alignment will most likely be performed immediately.
Even if an individual is not sick, regular chiropractic adjustments can help maintain a healthy immune system and fight against allergies and infections.