Compared to chiropractic care, surgery is often considered a last resort. Perhaps this is because from cost to post-surgical care, surgery takes a lot out of the patient. By comparison, chiropractic care is convenient, non-invasive and inexpensive.
Surgery for lower back pain costs big money. In fact, surgery costs everyone, from patients to their employers and the tax payers. Here are just a few statistics about the costs of treating lower back pain through surgery:
- Lower back pain is said to be the second most common cause of disability in the United States, costing 149 million lost days of work per year.
- The total cost is estimated at as much as $200 billion per year. This total includes lost wages.
By comparison, chiropractic care can be seen as a money saver for patients and the general population.
- Patients who saw a chiropractor for lower back pain saved up to 40 percent in medical costs compared to patients who saw a medical doctor.
- A study by Blue Shield concluded that companies who restrict their employees’ access to chiropractic care have higher healthcare costs overall.
Surgery for lower back pain often involves a process called spinal fusion. To recover from this kind of procedure it takes approximately 3 to 12 months before the patient is able to function normally. In other words, surgical remedies can actually cost a patient as much as one year of their life, and the success rate for this kind of procedures is between 70% and 90% in terms of actual pain relief.
People who see a chiropractor for lower back pain go about their normal lives without a recovery time at all. In fact, chiropractors teach patients how to engage in stretches and exercises that help strengthen the muscles and support the spinal adjustments to ensure their long-term effectiveness. People who see a chiropractor are generally as mobile as ever, and may be even more mobile when they engage in their prescribed exercises.
Patients who get surgery for lower back pain are supposed to have a combination of medications and behavioral training that will help them reduce their pain. It’s estimated that less than half of the people who get surgery for lower back pain get adequate pain relief for their condition.
By comparison, chiropractic care requires no pain medication because the treatment is itself a form of pain relief. Chiropractors focus on relieving the pain for their patients by providing healing at the source of the pain.
Surgery costs patients money, time and can reduce quality of life during recovery periods. Chiropractic care costs less money and far less time for the patient. While sometimes surgery is a necessity, for many patients chiropractic care is the superior option. Call us today at (425)882-0802!