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History of Chiropractic

Many chiropractic patients ask, “How did chiropractic get started?” Well, Chiropractic got started in Davenport Iowa a little over 100 years ago. In 1895 a “magnetic healer” as he was called, by the name of DD Palmer operated an office on the...

Chiropractic Story Worth Telling

From the August 3, 2002 issue of the Los Angeles Daily News comes an uplifting story that has been labeled by the paper as, “A Miracle on Hortense Street. The story is of 10-year-old, Laura Bibb, a developmentally delayed girl, who as the newspaper reported,...

Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul

Most of us are familiar with the series of successful books “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. Well, now one more has been added to that group which speaks the truth and success of chiropractic care. “Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul,” by...

Brain, Your Amazing Brain

In the Science Times section of the October of 1998 New York Times come an article that also discusses the effect placebos have on healing. The article discusses the ability of someone’s belief in healing to cause healing. According to the article scientists are...