According the Journal Of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics a 25 year old woman underwent Chiropractic treatment for back pain; she was also suffering from glaucoma. After one visit to the Chiropractor the patient noticed an improvement in her eyesight. After four adjustments her visual field increased from %2 to %20. This sounds unbelievable, so how could this be so?
The Chiropractor manipulates and realigns the spinal column into correct alignment. This allows the nervous system to function properly and reduces any tension around the body. The nervous system regulates every cell of the body. Certain vertibrae contain nerves that lead to specific body areas and parts. For example, the Sympathetic chain” has nerves to the eyes, ears, and other sense organs. The second vertibrae from your scull affects the eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, and other areas.
Because the nervous system controls and coordinates all the different functions of your body, any disruption in nerve communication to your organs and body tissues will result in abnormal function. Chiropractors help restore normal nerve function and communication, thereby allowing your body to work normally and naturally.
In the last few years, the peer reviewed literature has been filled with case reports and other articles addressing this phenomenon. These have included changes in visual acuity, oculomotor function, intraocular pressure, and pupillary size.